Warranty Information

All products have a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase on the receipt and will be applied in accordance with the methods and terms set out by law. This warranty applies to manufactured defects in the product. The warranty only applies to products that have been properly installed per the installation instructions.

The seller warranties that the goods purchased be free from apparent and visible defects. Claims under the warranty must be accompanied by the sales invoice or receipt.

The warranty does not cover the deterioration of product due to normal wear and tear and is void under the following conditions:

  • Installation outside of instruction guidelines
  • Collisions and falls
  • Exposure to damp or saltwater conditions
  • Improper use of chemical agents
  • Unauthorized modifications – painting, refinishing of wood products, alteration to any parts
  • Repair work carried out in an unprofessional manner
  • The use of non-original components
  • Improper maintenance
  • Any act or fact which is not directly attributable to the seller/producer